The challenge
It is no surprise that the distribution company, Bring, is busier in some periods than others. Especially in November and December, things really pick. Up, as Black Friday and Christmas cause online shopping to explode. This also means that at the end of the year, Bring has four times as many employees as usual.
All of these short-term hires used to put a huge strain on onboarding, and an enormous amount of resources were spent on training. All the new employees had to be introduced to the company's workflows and trained in all the different questions they could be asked by the customers. It goes without saying that it was an expensive expense.
The solution
With Responza Knowledge, Bring gathered all their knowledge in one system and stored in a database that made it easy for employees to navigate all the knowledge that they should be able to convey to customers.
The result
Bring can now staff the service line quickly with completely green temps who with Responza Knowledge can tackle the tasks from the very first day. Instead of spending a week or more on the entire onboarding process, Bring can use its resources elsewhere.