COvip - Denmark's largest knowledge solution

Spitze & Co.
June 22, 2021

When the Danish Agency for Patient Safety faced the biggest challenge of the century in the form of infection detection efforts for Covid-19, Responza and Spitze & Co's KM team were put at the forefront of the development of COvip.

COvip is the name of the agency's new knowledge solution for COVID-19 management, and with more than 20,000 daily article readings among the operators, it must be stated that COvip has got off to a good start. COvip is an abbreviation of the 'Corona Detection Unit's Knowledge and Information Platform'. The many thousands of daily searches show a great demand for updated and validated knowledge among the solution’s 3500+ daily users. The users come from the agency itself, ATP, the national police and the 98 municipalities, and are continuously improved with the operators' use and search. In the solution, the searches are for everything from recommendations for isolation with minor children, to what to do with your dog, cat and hamster in relation to Corona.


Responza which is the platform under COvip has helped the agency to ensure update of instructions and workflow in 100% real time to all the many stakeholders and operators who use the solution, and has, according to the agency and operators, become an indispensable tool for corona management in a very short time.


COvip has now become the place where operators and supervisors find out about "breaking news", workflows and instructions the moment they arrive, and is the primary tool for dialogue with citizens.

The people in charge at the agency, the Corona tracking unit, have been given the tools they needed to manage communication with the many operators and changes in processes. For example, the text sent out via SMS had to be changed if a citizen was not reached, it was posted as a "breaking news" in COvip, and within a short time it could be observed that the article had been read over 3400 times.


One of the features the agency has become most pleased with is the dynamic updating of knowledge found in a true knowledge platform. COvip is developed daily on the basis of feedback, and the built-in feedback flow in Responza supports this process easily and intuitively. In short, COvip has become an essential part of corona management, and an important piece in the future work around Covid-19.


/Team Responza  


Behind Responza is a bunch of eager customer service experts who are passionate about helping to optimize your customer service. We are part of the consulting house Spitze & Co. Within Knowledge Management we are nerds on a whole new level. If you want to be a nerd as well, you can participate in the Danish Knowledge Management forum, or follow us on LinkedIn